Thursday, March 22, 2012


So many "firsts" since the you-know-what have been happening in my life in the last couple of weeks:

- First time swimming proper laps complete with arm and leg action!
- First time driving the car!
- First time riding 30 mins on the bike!
- First time being able to stand on my tip toes!
- First time doing a workout before school!
- First time on the reformer Pilates machine!
- First time being told (by many people) how much better I am walking!
- First time wearing clothing that does not involve an elasticised waistband!
- First time of working a full day!

And yes, of those warrants an exclamation point!

Monday, March 5, 2012

How times have changed.

I've just returned from my first pool session since the you-know-what. I was 'allowed' (as per my physio's strict instructions) to 'swim' a whopping total of 8 laps.

I use the term 'swim' loosely as I wasn't allowed to kick. Swimming without kicking, you ask?? I had to use a pull-buoy (I just learned that's what you call the bit of foam you put between your legs, so you don't use them) and just use my arms. Have you ever tried to do backstroke with one of those babies jammed between your legs? Not easy. After too many more workouts like this, I expect I shall have biceps akin to Arnie Schwarnegger. (See back surgery DOES have its pros).

And I was also 'allowed' to walk 12 laps. Forwards. Backwards. And just to jazz things up a little, sidewards.

The result - I am absolutely buggered. As a result of being buggered I am also alarmed / depressed at my lack of fitness. Pre you-know-what I swam 40-60 laps like it weren't no thang. Now, I am a slobbering mess after said 'workout' above.

Still, when I report to my physio tomorrow, I am hoping she will let me up the ante. Maybe next week, I'll be 'allowed' to 'swim' 10 whole laps.

We can hope :)