January has been wonderful!
I set myself some very clear goals at the start of the month and for the most part I have achieved them.
- Being a very dedicated gym go-er. Body Balance, Body Pump, Yoga... oh how I love these classes! Having lovely friends to attend with makes the workout even more fun!
- My running has improved big time! On a Friday morning, we are now regularly running 10kms. To think that in early November, just after recovering from back troubles, I could barely run 3.5 ks! This Friday we have a 10k run and I can't wait! 10 years ago, who would have thought that such things would excite me so much! Oh, who am I kidding, 2 years ago who would have thought such things would excite me!
- I have been mega healthy ... natural, unprocessed foods. Lots of fruit, veg, legumes and wholegrains. I have had wine on 2 occasions during the month!
- I have discovered some awesome fitness blogs. My fave by a million miles (other than my sister's!) is losingweightinthecity.com. It is simply awesome. Check it out!
- I have 'found' some great new music and have made the most awesome 'Relax' playlist on my I-Pod.
Still to work on / goals for Feb
- Bring reading back into my life! I feel that I feel too much time checking out blogs! Need to find some balance here...
- Work on my sore knee. With all the running we have been doing, my right knee has taken a bit of a beating. To solve this problem, I am pretty sure I need to stretch out my hamstrings and quads a whole lot more than I currently do.
- I am still on the search for some sort of craft that will fit into my lifestyle. I have thought of knitting and crochet - but let's face it, when I live in a climate as hot as this, do I really need woolen products? I then considered embroidery, but I am not sure I have the patience... any tips on a possible craft for me would be much appreciated!
- Sadly, I have let my breathing and meditation slide. My excuse is that we had visitors for so long and our spare room used to be where I did these things each morning. Now that they have all left, I am hoping to get back into it ... at least the meditation part ... I love it!
Hope your January was also awesome!! What were your special achievements for the month?
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