Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 50!

Woohoo! Worked off yesterday's mid point blow out by hitting the gym at 7:08am - pretty impressive for a weekend I thought!! My workout consisted of 30 mins of hard intervals (2 mins fast run/ 1 min walk - repeat for thirty mins). Total distance 4.5 kms. This was interspersed with 5 1/2 strength exercises (I conked out on the sit ups after doing 30 - hence the half!).

Needless to say, when I emerged from the gym an hour and ten minutes later I was: -Colour: Florescent beetroot - if you have ever seen me after a workout, you would agree that this colour was invented just to describe my facial colour!
-Body temperature: Hotter than the 38 degrees that it was outside - Dubai's summer is just around the corner and oh baby, don't I know it!
- Sweat factor - like I had just taken a shower.
- Water consumption - almost 3 litres!
Satisfaction factor - pretty darn pleased with myself!

So, now to think about the first 50 days of this challenge and reflect on my original goals and purpose.

Body: Definitely pleased with the amount of exercise I've been doin! Switched back to 5am workouts - a killer getting out of bed, but all worth it; particularly at the end of the work day when I am beyond pooped and couldn't fathom hitting the gym. Have loved the hard swims I am doing. Not loving the running so much, but I will persist. (How did I ever do that 10ks back in January?!) I have also been mixing up the weights etc and this has been fun! Been managing 6 days of exercise per week - (except last week when I did just 4 days so we'll just pretend that didn't happen!)

Food: Oh how I love my food! And oh how I am loving fresh, healthy food. I am convinced the healthier you eat, the more you crave that sort of food. (At least this is what I try and tell myself!). Having said that, there may have been 1 or 2 indiscretions of the pizza variety. But really, only once or twice - promise! I think that is pretty darn good. I have managed to survive on one square of dark chocolate a day and other than that, it's been all fruit/veg/fruit/veg/fruit/veg - plus wholegrains and dairy. Happy with that! Will now keep doing what I am doing for the next 50. (Oh, and that no wine thing lasted 7 days! I now just indulge in a couple of glasses on the weekend and I'm happy with that!)

Mind: Newspaper reading - kinda; Books - kinda; Brain training - lasted 3 days; travel / getting out and about - mega check; laptop - mega check. So all in all, clearly some room for improvement here. Spend too many mindless hours surfing the Internet. Gotta make the conscious effort to do all those things I love so much, but somehow don't get to.

Spirit: This is the one area that I am constantly mindful of. I continually remind myself that every thought, word and action has my signature on it - it is me and I need to consider my best self and how I portray that. This said, we've had our moments. A particularly hairy interaction with the boss springs to mind as being a time when I could have done a much better job. Other than that, I feel that I have tried hard to be patient, kind, caring and calm. But again, still room for improvement here.

So yup - Day 50-100 here we come! (That makes it 52 days till we leave to go back to Aust!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm exhausted just reading that. Well done.
