Easter musings in a Muslim country...
1. Managed to source 8 fluffy and perfectly made hot cross buns ... straight from the oven! I ate these in my bathers, just before heading poolside. I think I must be the only person in the world wearing bathers and eating hot cross buns on Easter Sunday! Seriously!
2. Received a lovely card from one of the most thoughtful parents in my class...a chocolate cross with the note "May His light shine on you".
3. Visited the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi on Easter Saturday ... as you do! Such an interesting insight into another religion. Still trying to get my head around the security guard telling me to let go of my abaya as 'no skin is allowed'. (I had it hitched up as it was too long..really, is it better to trip over than show a centimetre of skin?!). Muslim people have a proud and strong faith and are keen to share this with non-Muslims. The very fact that we are allowed into all areas of the Mosque is testament to this. Therefore, I naturally respected the 'no skin allowed' rule!
4. Heading downstairs shortly to enjoy an Easter pot luck dinner with new friends and fellow residents!
5. A lovely gesture from a Muslim colleague who wished me "Happy Easter ... is that how you say it? 'Easter'?" Highlighted how various and diverse religious traditions are!
And that, is that! It ain't much but even in a Muslim country it CAN still feel like Easter!
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2 days ago
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