Day 67 was a rest day.
Day 68 I ran 12ks - I felt good until about the 10k mark and then the last 2 ks were really hard. I was hoping to do more ... but never fear, there's always next week. And I'm still very proud of my 12ks.
Day 69 I had a lot of penance to do. Last night I drank a bottle of wine. Seriously. It went down like water and tasted so good. I can't quite believe I drank that much. And felt fine.
In my 100 day challenge I have hardly touched alcohol, so I really thought last night's consumption would hit me hard. Lucky for me it didn't! Along with the bottle of wine, I also had a rather large amount of choc. Again, I've barely touched the stuff in 70 days, so I'm not quite sure where last night's frenzy came come. I really haven't even been missing it or craving it that much.
Anyway, I decided not to beat myself up over it - we all need a little treat from time to time. Right? RIGHT?!??!?
Instead, I decided I would take a proactive approach to my over-consumption. So I hit the gym. Three times.
Session 1 I swam 50 laps.
Session 2 I did a good weights workout using the bosu and fitball.
Session 3 I went to yoga.
Last night's sins now erased! At least that's what I'm hoping for :)
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2 days ago
No, definitely don't beat yourself up! I do the wine+choc combo on a frequent basis.