Today's physical goal: Walk to the physio and back...if I'm feeling bold I might even duck into the supermarket and buy some light supplies. I am also REALLY hoping that the physio tells me that I am allowed to sit!!! It's been 3 weeks of no sitting. That means no car rides anywhere; no dinners out; no cafe life; no sitting at the dinner table; no sitting upright when friends come over etc etc. So yeah, I've discovered that sitting is a really important part of my life and I am looking forward to welcoming it back into my days!
Today's mental goal: Focus on the things I am grateful for. When we feel gratitude, we draw even more good things into our lives. So here are 36 things in honour of my age... (in no particular order).
I am grateful for:
1. My husband who has supported me through this healing process with love, kindness, care and humour.
2. My mum who I have Skyped with every day since this happened - highlight of my day!
3. My right leg which has decided that being numb is not cool and now has about 90% of its feeling back. Woo - go right leg!
4. My friends in Dubai who have visited me non-stop, bringing smiles, conversation, hugs, wine, chocolate cake, pasta, salad, candles, magazines, donuts, flowers, bread, books, chocolate, walnuts, movies, coffee, apricots - the list goes on and on!
5. My FB friends who have filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling each time I read their messages of support.
6. The sunshine. Even when all else fails, laying in the sun makes me feel SO SO good.
7. Our life in Dubai - we love it here and it gets better each day. We are so happy!
8. The swimming pool downstairs - even though it is chilly, it is a glorious, peaceful place where I love to float and do my physio exercises.
9. The garden around the pool. I love the palm trees, the frangipanis, the hedge and the way the breeze makes everything flutter.
10. Being able to walk. He he - probably the most important one!
11. My osteopath - she fills me with hope each time I see her. Last time she told me that when I am 100% healed she will get me to write a testimonial!
12. My physio who is positive, knowledgeable and empathetic. She believes in miracles :)
13. Good medical care in Dubai - I can get in for appointments quickly...for example, I was able to get in for an MRI 2 days after I phoned them. Couldn't get this sort of speedy care in Australia...or many other parts of the worlds for that matter.
14. My upcoming neurosurgeon appointment. It will be good to get another opinion. Of course, I am hoping by the appointment next week that I will have full sensation in both of my legs and he will be blown away.
15. This computer. This little Mac has become by best friend.
16. Amazing blogs - they have kept me entertained, inspired and informed during this healing journey.
17. Good books. A friend gave me "Hector and the Search for Happiness". It is such a cute, inspiring book. I'm about 3/4 of the way through it.
18. Green smoothies - I am convinced that these suckers are accelerating my healing process.
19. A blog post I read about how a plant-based diet reduces inflammation in the body, thereby allowing healing to happen faster.
20. Eat to Live by Joel Furhmann - so much knowledge in one book.
21. I love my plant-based diet. I love my salads, soups, curries, stews and other concoctions that are helping to heal my body and fill it with vitality. I eat this way a good 90-95% of the time.
22. Wine. Enough said.
23. Runner's World magazine - to help me to feel like I am still a real runner.
24. Leah getting a job in Dubai at my school, starting August 2012. This girl is a motivator, an inspirer and a do-er. I am looking forward to having her here!
25. Goals. I love my daily physical and mental goals. I love my vision of running the 1/2 marathon in December and MAYBE even the marathon in January 2013.
26. Mental strength - I am pleased I am able to train my mind to focus on the things that are positive and life giving. I am 100% convinced that this healthy mind will help heal my body.
27. Our new mattress, doona and pillows. So, so comfy!
28. Flowers - love them!
29. My family ... even though they are far away, I know they are still thinking of me.
30. My gorgeous nieces and nephews. 4 cuter people never walked the earth! I love their energy, sense of fun and JOY! Talking with them makes me HAPPY!!
31. The Australian Open - keeping me company while I am house-bound.
32. Music - It lifts my mood and lifts my soul!
33. Cooking - I am enjoying doing a little more cooking. I always kinda dread it, but once we start slicing and dicing, I love it! I especially love eating the finished product.
34. The pool at the gym. I love that I can walk there and back. I love getting out of the house. I love that it is a big pool (with kickboards) so I can float, do my traction and do my pool walking.
35. My exercises I do at home - they help make me strong and they are a great way to relieve pain.
36. My life - I have been so blessed. I am so thankful for all of my 36 years. Each and every experience has helped me to grow and learn. Here's to many, many more years of good times.
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2 days ago
I like number 22 especially!
ReplyDeleteGreat list Michelle. You have a lot to be grateful for.
Good on you for resisting the urge to list 36 things that annoy you!