Today I achieved my first goal of walking over the road to the shops. Yes, you read that right :)
I had Matt for company and 'just in case', but in the end I was able to do it all on my own. It was certainly a slow old shuffle there and back, but I did it quite comfortably. There was no pain and I managed to control my crazy, numb leg so that it did what was required. We sat and had a coffee (and muffin!) before the shuffle back began.
Yes, I was slow. Yes, I was lopsided in my walk. Yes, everyone stared at me. Yes, everyone probably wondered why the heck I was walking like that. Did I care? Not even a little bit!
I have since been down to the pool to do my traction exercises and have been doing all the usual stretches all day. I feel good!
Today's physical goal: See above!
Today's mental goal: "You are the designer of your destiny. You are the author. You write the story. The pen is in your hand, and the outcome is whatever you choose" Lisa Nichols.
Well, a few days ago I wrote my story (literally) and penned my goals. Today, the outcome was achieving one of them. What seemed like an insurmountable task even just a couple of days back, today became possible.
Looks like this Lisa Nichols knows what she's talking about.
How to Organize iPhone Photos
2 days ago
Good work Shell!