Day 85 I did 30 minutes of intervals on the treadmill (3 minutes fast running / 30 seconds walk for 30 mins).
Day 86 I dragged myself to the gym to do weights. I was a bit rushed for time as we had been out shopping and then I was going out for dinner. A HUGE part of me wanted to go into a coma on the couch for an hour... instead it was off to the gym to pump iron and balance on the bosu. Of course I loved it. Of course I was pleased I went. Of course I felt like a baby for complaining about HAVING to go to the gym. That's why the phrase 'Just do it' is so apt. Just damn well do your workout and get on with your life! As someone wise once said, you know you ALWAYS feel better after a workout! And it made my yummy dinner out even more enjoyable :)
Day 87 I did 5 ks on the treadmill. (32 m 10 secs). I ran 3 minutes at 9.0, with a minute at 10.0 thrown in every 4th minute for 5ks. I don't usually do this style of run on the treadmill but I loved it. It was a great challenge to run at a swift pace, interpsersed with a fast minute, for 5ks.
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2 days ago
You're so motivated! I need to here that 'just do it' a LOT! keep it up. x