We have a long break over summer here. It is one of the definite perks of teaching in an international school. Summer this year will include 10 days in China; 4 days in Singapore; 2 weeks in Queensland; 2 weeks in Adelaide; 2 weeks in Dubai; and finally, 4 days in the Seychelles. It is my goal that when we go to the Seychelles I will be looking and feeling as good as I do now - OR even better!!!!
When on vacation, there is a HUGE temptation to over-indulge, let exercise fall by the wayside and generally slide into a sugar and alcohol induced coma. Normally I am fine with this as I figure I work so hard during the year that I deserve a little break, so I live it up over the vacation big style! This rationale especially takes hold when I consider all the treats and delights that come my way on vacation, not to mention the delicious goodies that await me in Australia. Goodies that I cannot get my hands on over here, so I HAVE to make the most of them while I am back.
But you know what, this year I don't want to do that. I don't want to feel yuk. I don't want my skin to go all rashy again. I don't want to put on weight. I don't want to feel lethargic. I don't want to feel agitated. I don't want to feel that all my efforts in my 100 day challenge were in vain. All these things (and more) happen to me as a side effect of over-indulgence. And yet, somehow, in the past I have been prepared to put up with all these negative side effects just so I could eat what I (thought) I wanted.
But here's the difference: These days, eating what I want does not include unhealthy food. I want to eat fresh, wholesome food that makes me feel good - so that's what I CHOOSE to eat. Of course, I still have the occasional treat (see last night's chocolate) but by occasional I mean o.c.c.a.s.i.o.n.a.l. My food for 99% of the time is food that will nourish my body, give me energy and make me feel as though I am living my best life.
When I am in my normal routine I find it 100% easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I exercise without dreading it (in fact it's the opposite - I love it!); I drink my green smoothies religiously; I consume healthy food without even thinking about it; I have healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, partaking in leisure activities I enjoy and generally being very balanced.
And so comes the challenge.
The challenge will come on vacation in many forms. Can I resist the all you can drink and eat at the hotels we are staying at?(I mean we've already paid right, I may as well get my money's worth). Can I cope with the fact that maybe I won't be able to have a green smoothie every day? Will I really want to exercise first thing in the morning when I have been out late the night before and know I have a full day of siteseeing ahead? Can I say 'no thanks' to all the treats that will stare me in the face at the Central Markets and cafes of Adelaide?
You know what, I think I can. Why? Because I know what is best for me in the long run. And because I have a plan! Here it is:
1. I will exercise each morning. That will include running 3x per week (a mixture of interval, tempo and long runs - I want to clock 20ks a week); swimming; weights; yoga and walking. By getting the exercise out of the way early, it will set me up for a great day and ensure I don't run out of time later in the day.
2. I have bought some green smoothie powder and capsules for those days when we haven't been able to find greens / fruits. Whilst not as good as the real thing, I'm hoping these babies will still give me a boost.
3. I plan to buy a travel blender so that I can whip up smoothies in the hotel room.
4. I will have 4x glasses of wine max per week (maybe even less). This will still allow me to treat myself without going over the top.
5. I will have a sweet treat one time per week.
6. I will choose the healthy options when possible.
7. Most of all, I will be mindful of the choices I am making regarding everything I do. I will make the conscious decision to exercise. I will make the conscious decision to eat healthy. I will make the conscious decision to be mindful of every action that will affect my well-being.
By doing the above, I hope that I feel EXCELLENT at the end of the vacation (hopefully even better than I do now). Seychelles here we come baby!!
I always say that if I didn't work full time I would be the fittest person going. You know, with all that time on my hands, I would be free to workout when I feel like it and plan and prepare meals carefully. Well, here is my opportunity. I therefore plan to treat my summer vacation as a spa holiday. Bring it on!
And when will this start? June 16th baby. Yes. The day after my 100 day challenge finishes :)
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