Day 95 I headed to yoga at the end of a long, busy and stressful working week. It was a great start to the weekend. Even better cos I came home to dinner cooked by Matt. Woohoo!
Day 96 I hit the treadmill and ran 11ks. I was a little apprehensive about being able to do a long run on the treadmill, but I found that I actually really enjoyed it. Here's why: It makes a nice change from running outside so there is a novelty factor; the A/C is my best friend at the moment - it was 44 degrees yesterday, so being able to run in cool comfort makes any possible treadmill tedium totally do-able; I listened to a Dr Oz and Oprah podcast - makes a nice change from tunes; I love being able to change my incline / speed and feel very in control. It took me 70 mins. I felt a million dollars after it and it was the start of a fabulous day that included surprise flowers from Matt!
Day 97 I went to the pool and did 40 HOT laps. The dang compressor in the pool is broken so it is HEATED BEYOND BELIEF!!! Think hot spa and you'll get my drift. I spoke to the pool guy when I got out and he said they're working on fixing it. I was like 'yeah - you might wanna hurry up with that'. I am pleased that I did not abandon my swim plans as soon as I got in the pool and realized how disgustingly hot it was. On hindsight, maybe I should have abandoned plan as I did not feel so great when I got out after my swim. Oh well, lots of water and a green smoothie later and all was well with the world again.
I also headed over to the gym and did weights for 50 mins. All good there :)
So this week's workouts consisted of:
1 x 5k run
1 x 11k run
1 x 30 mins bike
40 laps of pool
2 yoga classes
2 weights sessions.
Oh yeah baby!!!
How to Organize iPhone Photos
2 days ago
A hot pool! That's one to remember!