Yoga bliss has started! After fighting our way through the traffic and wandering the streets of dirty Karama (a more salubrious part of Dubai), we arrived at Rhythm of Life Yoga Center.
Immediately, a feeling of peace and calm. I listened with focused bliss for over an hour to Yogi Sangeev as he spoke of life and how to live a fabulous one!
I woke up this morning at 5am and did my meditation - thoughts popped in and out of my head that made me giggle ... 'oh, my back'; 'my nose is itchy' and other intellectual revelations of that sort!
But ultimately, after 10 mins of breathing, I felt so good and was ready to tackle the day!
My mantra was to be "Today I will breathe". Have you ever realized how good breathing makes you feel? All day, there I was, inhaling and exhaling!
Can't wait for tonight's session!
Oh, and my caffeine headache feels like a crack-cocaine withdrawl headache! Ouuuch!
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1 day ago
Sounds fabulous (not the headache part though!)