Phew! What a day! Who ever knew that one latte a day could make you so addicted to caffeine?! I went to bed with a giant headache and woke up with a humongous one! I honestly felt like half my face had been chainsawed off! Add to this no herbal teas, sugar, alcohol or unhealthy food and I swear my body started to reject me!
And then...amazingly, it lifted at about lunch time. I started to be able to see again. I was able to actually think with some (however small) degree of clarity. I started to think maybe my body wasn't rejecting me after all!
Today was beyond-belief stressful. In the face of this, I kept reminding myself to breathe and be filled with energy and happiness. I tired to be a leader in my life and not a follower. I tried to act and not react. I did my meditation this morning.
I am not sure how well I did all up because I really was feeling very stressed...
But, I am proud of myself for trying hard. Perhaps centimetre by centimetre, I will get there.
How to Organize iPhone Photos
1 day ago
Will be keen to hear how you start to feel as the days go on.