Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Top of the world!

Literally ... today's excitement was heading to the top of the world's tallest building! No matter this was with the whole of 4th grade plus 20 parents in tow. Was still fun.

As for my health ... top of the world ... not so much. When I speak I sound like an 80 year old smoker and my cough is so chesty it sounds like a lawnmower.

Can you believe I have been getting up at 5am to do my meditation and breathing? Yikes! I'll tell ya one thing though, it really does clear the mind and energise the body.

This week is surreal. My head is all cloudy and fogged. I guess this has a lot to do with my cold, but I am also wondering how much the detox has to do with this (along with sleep deprivation of going to bed about 11pm and getting up at 5am!). Hoping for some clarity of mind in the near future!

In other news, loved my after school swim. It was damn hard work but all worth it!


  1. Wow, your days sound really full. And you still find time to blog! Good job. P.S You should put some photos on your blog.

  2. Yes that's a good tip! I will need to get my act into gear to put some pics on!
