Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 24

I did the best interval workout on the treadmill this morning! A few weeks back I tried my first pyramid workout ... I decided today was the day to try one out again!

It consisted of the following:
3 mins warm up walk
1 min 8.6kph
1 min 9.6kph
1 min 8.6kph
2 mins 9.6 kph
2 mins 8.6 kph
3 mins 9.6 kph
2 mins 8.6kph
4 mins 9.6kph
2 mins 8.6 kph
5 mins 9.6 kph
2 mins 8.6kph
2 mins 10.0kph
1 min 10.6 kph
1 min 11.0 kph

Yup - at the end I was pooped! But oh boy I felt good.

Day 23

Today calls for a "Feel Good List". A few years ago when I was working at Endeavour, a staff member shared her Feel Good List with us. She looks at the list whenever she is feeling down and then chooses something off the list to do that will help elevate her mood. I've always thought what a great idea it is and have mentally gone over my list many times. After a rough couple of days, I have decided it is time to formally write my own feel good list. So here we go .. in no particular order ... the things I love to do and the things that make me FEEL GOOD!

1. The outdoors ... anywhere, anytime, anything. I love everything about being outside.
2. Sunshine ... kinda related to number one but special in its own way.
3. Flowers! I bought some gorgeous pink tiger lillies last night and I could not stop looking at them!
4. Exercise. I love what a mood elevator is is and I love pushing my body to do things that I never thought I would be able to do.
5. Reading a good book.
6. Reading my favourite blogs.
7. Reading the New York Times "Most popular" stories on my I-Pod Touch ... always so interesting and thought-provoking.
8. Laying on the couch, with a blanket pulled up over me and gazing out the window.
9. Finding new healthy recipes and cooking them.
10. Eating lovely homecooked meals.
11. Listening to relaxing chilled out music.
12. Decaf lattes.
13. Dining out and about at fabulous restaurants.
14. Swimming.
15. Travelling!!!!
16. Finding the perfect purchase when out shopping.
17. Talking on Skype with my family.
18. Last but not least ... My husband!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 22

Today I'm having kind of a blah day. You know, one of those days where sometimes people's actions make you feel as though you are back in junior high. I swear that for as long as I live, I will continue to be perplexed by the actions of humans. Why can't we all just be kind and loving people? Life would really be much easier that way.

Anyway, my day started off with a reluctant drag-my-ass-out-of-bed at 4:50am maneuvere. I am pleased to say that I was successful and what followed was an energetic and utterly exhausting 5ks of hard intervals on the treadmill. I haven't been doing my intervals as much just recently as I really prefer to run outdoors. But, when it's dark and you don't have a running buddy, I always opt for the safe option and workout in the safety of the gym!

Thank goodness I started my day with such a great workout. I hate to think what a crazed mess I would be (due to circumstances from paragraph 1) if I did not work out this morning!! I totally find that exercise is the best stress relief and mood elevator. Morning workouts, in particular, usually set me up for a fabulous day.

Anyway, let's hope the mean girls learn how to be not so mean and let's hope I learn to deal with it better and not take it so personally. There are still many hours left in today and I feel a resolve to make this Monday a wonderful one! If all else fails, at least I'm getting my hair cut tonight ... one of my favourite things to do!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 19, 20, 21

Wow-wee this little 100 day challenge of mine is chugging along :) I am still yet to work out (no pun intended) what my 'reward' for the 20 day mark is ... I'm thinking a new little i-pod shuffle seeing as how my 4 year old 'ole faithful' is suddenly saying a resounding NO to being soaked in sweat every time I work out! Oh, how pleasant and charming some aspects of exercise are...

Anywho... Day 19 I had thought I would go to yoga, but shopping and a glass of wine to kick off the weekend won instead!

Day 20 was 40 glorious laps of the pool. Gotta love the sunshine while swimming mid-morning on a Friday. Pure bliss.

Day 21 was 7.8ks (2 laps) at Safa Park. Seeing as how I had already done my 8.9k run on Wednesday, I decided not to push it and 'just' do 7.8. Also, one of my friends was also keen to do 2 laps, so that's what we did. It was damn hot, so in the end I was pleased that I was not doing a longer run. And yes, Lime Tree for breakfast after did occur...

Oh, and PS... I am still working up to my icecream indulgence...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 18

Above is the group of teachers from my school who ran.

On Wednesday, 23rd March, a group runners and
walkers met at the Meadows, Dubai for an 8.9 km run to
contribute in their way to help raise money and
awareness for the tragedy that has hit Japan. There
were approximately 300 men, women and children,
many waving Japanese flags and/or colours. It was
a fabulous run around the beautiful lakes and
fountains of the Meadows sub-division. There was such a positive energy and, after a few words of appreciation,
many of us started off with a tear in our eye.

I truly loved doing something positive and healthy for the people of Japan. It is so hard to watch the images on tv as a feeling of helplessness seems to overcome me. By partaking in this run I felt that I was able to help the people of Japan just a little bit.

Oh, and from a fitness perspective, the run was awesome. It was a great distance, around a beautiful lake and the evening was just divine. As the sun set over the Marina, it really made for an awesome backdrop to the run!

I had never run in this area before but I think it won't be the last :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 14, 15, 16

Day 14 was spent recovering from my long 13.2k run in the best way I know how - with a deluxe visit to the spa at the Park Hyatt! This is most definitely my favourite place in Dubai! The day consisted of a 105 minute spa treatment (facial and massage), hanging by the pool and dining. Truly, I can't even begin to convey the serenity of this place.

Day 15 was a yoga day! Loved every minute. As always!

Day 16 was a 5am 5k run. A great way to start the day.

Overall I am feeling really good. I am, however, having the most annoying craving for icecream! I think it is due to the fact that summer is coming. And we all know that summer is merely a synonym for icecream :) Anyway, this weekend (if I adhere to all my fitness goals for the week) I plan to indulge. I am currently mentally sifting through where I think I'll get the most satisfying icecream from...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Days 12 and 13

Wowzers ... it's been a busy and fulfilling week. In.between all the exercise, I have also been out for dinner twice and to the movies once! Oh, and of course, maintained my job which is no mean feat!!! Especially seeing as how it's report writing week. AND add to that the anticipation of the birth of my youngest sister's first baby. She's now 12 days overdue. This waiting patiently business is doing my head in.

Exercise wise ... Day 12 was the best yoga class I had ever been to! I was kinda in a slump at the end of a hectic week so I decided on the spur of the moment that another yoga class was what I needed. That makes 3 yoga classes this week. Yes muscles, you can thank me any time you like by loosening the hell up. Anyway, what made this yoga class so good, was that you held the poses for minutes at a time. I love knowing that I am stretching out all my aches, pains, knots etc from running. I just adored the class. And magically, by the time that hour was up I was brimming with energy and no longer in a slump. I love how exercise does that to you!

Today was mission Safa Park. Again I really hoped to do at least 12ks but I was really apprehensive that I might not be able to match last week's accomplishment of running the furthest I've ever run. Anyway, once again, I felt good while I was running and ran my way to a new PB - 13.2ks. 4 whole laps of Safa Park. No joke! So happy with myself.

A little reward tomorrow in the form of a spa day at the Park Hyatt with one of my buddies. I think I've earned it :) Pampering... here I come.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 11

Today started at 4.50am with what was supposed to be a 5k interval run on the treadmill. To say my heart was not in it is an understatement. Even as I was walking downstairs to the gym, I wanted to turn around and go back upstairs.

Anyway, I did make it to the gym and ended up doing an easy-ish 3k interval run (20 mins of one minute sprints and 30 seconds walk) and then 10 mins on the bike. Better than nothing hey!

Having said this, I am a firm believer in listening to your body. I truly believe that on those days when I don't feel like I'm up for a hard workout, it's because my body is in need of a something a little easier. Normally I love my workouts and really embrace exercise so the fact that today was not one of those days doesn't worry me too much. Rather, I am focusing on the fact that despite r.e.a.l.l.y.n.o.t.w.a.n.t.i.n.g.t.o.w.o.r.k.o.u.t I still did 30 mins of cardio.

After school today, my workout buddies and I are going to yoga and then out for dinner. I have never been to this particular yoga class but apparently it is amazing! Can't wait!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 8 and 9!

Day 8 was a wonderful hour of yoga goodness. Oh how my muslces needed to be stretched out from their shrivelled cocoon state after my long run yesterday. I am sure I could see my legs muscles literally expanding before my eyes with every extra second that I held the poses. The meditation at the end wasn't bad either!

Day 9 started at 4.50 am (yes you read that right!) - meeting up with one of my running buddies to do the 5k Mirdif Loop. It was warm out and this instills me with a little bit of anxiety that summer is on its way!!! Most people would get excited about the approach of summer. I used to be one of those people. Until I moved to Dubai.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day Seven

Day Six doesn't get a post cos I didn't do any exercise :) I was saving up for this morning's run ... I aimed / dreamed / envisaged to do 12 ks. I was kinda more hopeful than anything that I could actually do it!

Turns out I could ... and more! I miscalculated on the maths, so I ended up running 12.3 ks.

Do you know that this is the furthest I have ever run?!

And I did it all by myself cos our running group members were ill / otherwise occupied. It was a great run - I felt fab the whole time.

So, even though I was by myself, I needed to celebrate. Limetree for breakfast it was. Amazing how good a banana smoothie can taste after a giant run.

Unfortunately, I also got scrambled eggs. While the were yummy at the time, I have been feeling queasy all day since eating them. I think it's cos since I moved to Dubai I haven't eaten many eggs and now my stomach can't handle them. Actually, I have no idea if that's the reason, but that's what I'm going with.

This is Safa Park - betcha never knew the desert could be so green and lush! There is a 3.4 km track that goes around the park. Most of it is beautifully shaded and I love gazing at the greenery as I run. Also, it makes it really easy to calculate your distance. (Today's error an obvious exception that that!)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day Five

A great after school swim of 40 laps capped off a great week of healthiness!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day four

Day four started with a 'pyramid' interval run for 30 mins. It was great and it was the first time I have run the whole time with intervals ... up until now my intervals have been walking interspersed with fast running. Proud of myself but feel I could have pushed myself to go a little faster in the fast intervals. Still, for the first workout of this type, I was happy with how it went.

I also headed to Body Balance in the evening. I usually love Body Balance but I do not love egotistical, primadonna instructors who roll up 15 minutes late! Then, this instructor proceeded to conduct the class as though it was all about him. Like a "Look at me, look at me, I'm so fit, see what I can do!". I was over it before it even started, but I still stayed and did the class (begrdugingly!).

Note to self: Give Body Balance on Wednesday night a miss :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day Three

Today is a rest day from excercise ... mainly cos I am getting up at 4.50am tomorrow to go for a run and then I also have yoga tomorrow night.

As for today, I am excited cos I have just started to sprout some goodies for the first time. So, in a few short days, I should have a bounty of mung bean sprouts! Good for you in so many ways.

Project mega healthiness is going strong!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Two

Today consisted of hours of sitting through a professional development session. During the session, it would be accurate to say that for a good 80 percent of the time, I dreamed of my after school swim. (The other 20 was spent dreaming of what I would cook for dinner... I settled on yummy salmon pasta). As for the course, yeah not so much thinking done about that.

It was pure relief, therefore, to finally break the cool, clear water with my first splash and begin my 40 laps. What a great way to finish the day! Swimming still remains my fave form of excercise.

In other health news, I am now having withdrawals from putting the kybosh on my decaf latte consumption. I gave up caffeine about 4 months ago and slowly started bringing decaf lattes into my life. I've decided that since I was at the point of craving one every day that they can't be too good for me. So, I'm now going to have just one decaf latte a week. But my question is this: How can I be so addicted to decaffeinated coffee? Hmm, maybe those baristas have been playing funny buggers on me...

Love the coffees from Limetree ... a wholesome, fresh and delicious cafe that we frequent each Friday after our long run!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day One!

Day one of the 100 Day Challenge is here!

I woke up at 5am and bounded out of bed with as much excitement as one can muster at that time of the morning. After a 4 day hiatus from excercise, due to my bad back, I was looking forward to a run. I also felt the very intense need to burn off some of those calories from the weekend ...

Apparently, however, my body was not quite so happy to be excercising. It went into some kind of protest within about 2 minutes of my run. Everything ached and my breathing was so labored it was as though last night's oily pizza had clogged my lungs! I was not a pretty site as I dragged myself around my Mirdif 'loop' - a distance of approx 5 ks.

But ... I did not give up. I did not stop. I did not even slow my pace. There is work to be done on this body, my friends... and work it is that I will do.

And of course, when I got home I marvelled about what a great run it was and how fabulous I felt. Isn't it amazing how once the said torture is over, the mind forgets and your body thanks you??

When I got home, I did a mega foam roller stretch and had a warm shower ... all was well with my world.

Then, to give my body some energy at the end of the day(after a gargantuan day of sitting during a training session), I headed off to the gym and did 30 mins of weights / stretching.

So yup, proud of my achievements for day one!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

100 day challenge

This weekend we headed away to what's called 'The Empty Quarter'. This is an amazingly isolated place just on the Saudi / UAE border ... err... hence the name. Honestly, it is one of the most stunning places on earth I have ever been to!

Along with much dune-viewing and relaxing, there was much eating and drinking. So in the spirit of doing things properly, I am doing two things evening. 1. Having pizza and wine for tea to round off a weekend for over indulgence 2. Setting some new health related goals! Hands up if you think there's something wrong with this logic?

So, there are approx 110 days until we depart for our summer vacation ... so I am going to do my 100 day challenge!

Each day I am going to set a goal ... be it food / excercise / mind / balance related. I am also going to record on my blog my daily food intake and excercise! Some may find this boring but I think it will really keep myself accountable.

Main goals
1. To have NO MORE back or knee pain ... I will up the ante on my yoga / foam rolling / stretching
2. To be able to run 20 kms by the end of the 100 days!
3. To do a lot of crosstraining to condition my body so that I can run 20kms! ... swimming / yoga etc
4. To maintain my normal pattern of eating unprocessed, natural and healthy foods.

I also plan to reward myself! Things such as shopping, foot spas, fine dining etc should fit the bill quite nicely! All this will help me to be a tank top and short wearing running machine come June :)

I love being healthy and am looking forward to getting started on the above!