Today started at 4.50am with what was supposed to be a 5k interval run on the treadmill. To say my heart was not in it is an understatement. Even as I was walking downstairs to the gym, I wanted to turn around and go back upstairs.
Anyway, I did make it to the gym and ended up doing an easy-ish 3k interval run (20 mins of one minute sprints and 30 seconds walk) and then 10 mins on the bike. Better than nothing hey!
Having said this, I am a firm believer in listening to your body. I truly believe that on those days when I don't feel like I'm up for a hard workout, it's because my body is in need of a something a little easier. Normally I love my workouts and really embrace exercise so the fact that today was not one of those days doesn't worry me too much. Rather, I am focusing on the fact that despite r.e.a.l.l.y.n.o.t.w.a.n.t.i.n.g.t.o.w.o.r.k.o.u.t I still did 30 mins of cardio.
After school today, my workout buddies and I are going to yoga and then out for dinner. I have never been to this particular yoga class but apparently it is amazing! Can't wait!
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2 days ago
Enjoy your yoga!