Wowzers ... it's been a busy and fulfilling week. In.between all the exercise, I have also been out for dinner twice and to the movies once! Oh, and of course, maintained my job which is no mean feat!!! Especially seeing as how it's report writing week. AND add to that the anticipation of the birth of my youngest sister's first baby. She's now 12 days overdue. This waiting patiently business is doing my head in.
Exercise wise ... Day 12 was the best yoga class I had ever been to! I was kinda in a slump at the end of a hectic week so I decided on the spur of the moment that another yoga class was what I needed. That makes 3 yoga classes this week. Yes muscles, you can thank me any time you like by loosening the hell up. Anyway, what made this yoga class so good, was that you held the poses for minutes at a time. I love knowing that I am stretching out all my aches, pains, knots etc from running. I just adored the class. And magically, by the time that hour was up I was brimming with energy and no longer in a slump. I love how exercise does that to you!
Today was mission Safa Park. Again I really hoped to do at least 12ks but I was really apprehensive that I might not be able to match last week's accomplishment of running the furthest I've ever run. Anyway, once again, I felt good while I was running and ran my way to a new PB - 13.2ks. 4 whole laps of Safa Park. No joke! So happy with myself.
A little reward tomorrow in the form of a spa day at the Park Hyatt with one of my buddies. I think I've earned it :) Pampering... here I come.
How to Organize iPhone Photos
2 days ago
You go girl! (I hate that expression but think it applies here).