Wow-wee this little 100 day challenge of mine is chugging along :) I am still yet to work out (no pun intended) what my 'reward' for the 20 day mark is ... I'm thinking a new little i-pod shuffle seeing as how my 4 year old 'ole faithful' is suddenly saying a resounding NO to being soaked in sweat every time I work out! Oh, how pleasant and charming some aspects of exercise are...
Anywho... Day 19 I had thought I would go to yoga, but shopping and a glass of wine to kick off the weekend won instead!
Day 20 was 40 glorious laps of the pool. Gotta love the sunshine while swimming mid-morning on a Friday. Pure bliss.
Day 21 was 7.8ks (2 laps) at Safa Park. Seeing as how I had already done my 8.9k run on Wednesday, I decided not to push it and 'just' do 7.8. Also, one of my friends was also keen to do 2 laps, so that's what we did. It was damn hot, so in the end I was pleased that I was not doing a longer run. And yes, Lime Tree for breakfast after did occur...
Oh, and PS... I am still working up to my icecream indulgence...
How to Organize iPhone Photos
2 days ago
I am exhausted just reading that! I don't know how you do it. XX